How to Include Child Support in Your Budget?

In most events, single parents can have a hard time financing for themselves. Having kids stay at home can rake up some serious costs. This can start with making sure your children don’t sit on the recliner all day and play games. This means that cleaning up the kitchen under the faucet can be an exhausting task. With court-ordered child support thrown in the ring, they will need to shell out more. Budgeting for child support is quite a big challenge, especially for divorced fathers.
Even though you have settled your divorce bills and child support, paying for alimony expenses are still expected of you. If you find yourself in a situation in which you cannot afford any more payments, you may need to consult with your divorce attorney.
A child support modification can be …

Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome

Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome

On October 2 & 3, 2019, the annual conference of Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome will be held in New York City. The Stern Auditorium of Mount Sinai Medical School will serve as the venue for this event. This year, the organizers will expect approximately 600 people to attend the conference. Anyone is welcome to join the event. If you’re interested to take part in this symposium, simply use the link for registration.
Entitled “Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past, Present, and Future”, this conference will greatly contribute to the historical landmarks of mental health. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association is taking the subject of Parental Alienation Disorder or P.A.D. into account.
This subject has the potential to be included in the …

Child Support Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Divorce is not a simple process, especially when children are taken into account. It is quite expensive and can become more when child support is included. Many parents believe taking their child fishing can be a good trip together. However, it’s important to keep in mind to take chairs and the correct fishing gear for the trip. Or if you are going out on a fishing boat for trolling, then take the water safety equipment
Child support debt can happen to many divorced parents especially if they are not informed about the processes included in it, though it is possible to get a child support debt consolidation from your divorce attorney. However, many issues can arise if you do not avoid the following child support mistakes:
When there changes to your income are not reported …