Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome

Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome

On October 2 & 3, 2019, the annual conference of Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome will be held in New York City. The Stern Auditorium of Mount Sinai Medical School will serve as the venue for this event. This year, the organizers will expect approximately 600 people to attend the conference. Anyone is welcome to join the event. If you’re interested to take part in this symposium, simply use the link for registration.

Entitled “Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past, Present, and Future”, this conference will greatly contribute to the historical landmarks of mental health. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association is taking the subject of Parental Alienation Disorder or P.A.D. into account.

This subject has the potential to be included in the next edition of DSM-5, an important diagnostics and taxonomic tool used internationally by experts in mental health. DSM-5 is short for The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is an authoritative volume that classifies and defines mental disorders.

In some parts of the world, P.A.D. is already a recognized diagnostic condition. Spain’s Psychological Association, for instance, acknowledged this issue in 2008.

Dr. Amy J. Baker, an author of peer-reviewed articles about P.A.D. and a certified, respected researcher on the subject matter stated that albeit being a widespread disorder, P.A.D. lacks understanding from the majority and still requires further research and attention from the legal and mental health community.

She also said that the addition of P.A.D. in the next edition of DSM-5 will create an awareness of the subject matter. It may also help the children and families that are impacted by this disorder.

Due to the widespread increase in the prevalence of this disorder, shedding light on the topic of Parental Alienation Syndrome is very important. Also known as Parental Alienation Disorder, P.A.D. has now come to the attention of numerous institutions and associations of mental health. Even if this disorder is not included in the next DSM-5 edition, more research and science about it will develop.

If the condition will indeed be included, many families and children affected by P.A.D. will have more benefits in terms of insurance plans.

Unfortunately, a number of people, or the anti-fathers crowd, are disregarding the importance of P.A.D. as a serious diagnostic condition. If you are wondering why they are labeled as such, it is because they believe that the estrangement of divorced fathers from their children is necessary.

Some researchers are also stating that the disorder doesn’t have what it takes to meet the requirements of DSM. But the fact lies that P.A.D. still exists and is in need of awareness and further research is already enough to spread awareness about this. It has neither been accepted or rejected by the American Psychiatric Association as of yet. The anti-fathers crowd is attempting to discredit the condition due to their blatant belief that it is inessential.

For now, the question remains if the Parental Alienation Disorder does really meet the requirements of a DSM condition.

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